Hermano Presidente
del Heroico Pueblo Palestino
Mahmud Abás
Sus Manos
Hermano Presidente :
Desde Nicaragua Bendita, Solidaria, Fraternal y Siempre Digna y Libre, le saludamos, y con Usted a su Gran y Valiente Pueblo, al Pueblo del Querido Héroe, Comandante Yasir Arafat, y a esa aguerrida y muy Digna Familia Palestina, avasallada por los Imperios y siempre en formidable y admirable lucha por todos sus Derechos.
Hermano Presidente :
Siempre hemos estado, y seguimos estando junt@s, unid@s en todas las Batallas de Liberación Nacional que nos ha correspondido y corresponde seguir librando, seguros de que tanta Abnegación, Firmeza, Sacrificio, y tanta entrega en Convicción de Derechos y en defensa de la Sagrada Patria Palestina, dará fruto en este otro Mundo que ya despierta y camina.
Con Ustedes, Hermanad@s Siempre, en la Infinita Luz de la Verdad y el Amor.
La Familia Humana, toda, comparte sus Combates y su Determinación de Justicia y Paz.
Dios nos sigue dando Fuerza y Fortaleza para continuar iluminando este Mundo hacia las Grandes Victorias que su Pueblo y todos los Pueblos Combatientes, de Conciencia alzada, merecemos.
Siempre Más Allá
Hacia la Luz
Hacia la Verdad !
Compañer@s, Familias,
Héroes de esa Magnífica Palestina
Nicaragua entera
les grita Presente !

Brother President
of the Heroic Palestinian People
Mahmoud Abbas
To your person
Brother President :
From Nicaragua, Blessed, in Fraternal Solidarity, For Ever Dignified and Free, we greet you, and, along with you, your Great and Brave People, the People of the Beloved Hero, Comandante Yasser Arafat, as well as that brave Palestinian Family of such great Dignity, besieged by Empires but always engaged in formidable and admirable struggle for all their Rights.
Brother President :
We have always been together and we continue together, united in all the Battles for National
Liberation which have involved us and which it behoves us to continue fighting, sure in the knowledge that so much Self-denial, Steadfastness, Sacrifice, and Commitment to the Conviction of the Rights and Defense of the Sacred Palestinian Nation will come to fruition in this new World that is already awakening and taking its path.
With You, Brothers and Sisters Always, in the Infinite Light of Truth and Love.
The Human Family, the whole Human Family, shares your Struggles and your Determination for Justice and Peace.
God continues to give us Strength and Fortitude to continue lighting the way of this World towards the Great Victories that your People and all Combative Peoples of Raised Consciousness deserve.
Always Further On
Towards the Light
Towards the Truth!
Compañer@s, Families,
Heroes of that Magnificent Palestine
All of NicaraguaAcclaims your Presence !